Adult Programs

  • Gym Intro

    This class is designed for climbing novices. An instructor will work with participants to gain the absolute basics of climbing including but not limited to fitting gear, hold identification, body movements, and gym safety. This class includes all necessary equipment as well as a week long membership and is limited to 2 participants.


  • Top Rope Clinic

    This class is designed as a comprehensive course focused on learning and applying the skills needed to top rope in a gym setting. Participants will learn how to tie a figure eight, belay technique, safety checks, and climber/belayer communication. Prior climbing experience is recommended but not required. Day pass and equipment is provided.

    $5 refundable deposit for Members/$15 for Non-Members

    *Min 2 participants

  • Gym to Ice Park

    This class will give you the skills needed to take your climbing to the Ice Park. Participants will learn park safety and etiquette as well as park specific anchor building and general ice climbing technique. Prior climbing experience is required for this class. All necessary equipment is provided but participants are encouraged to bring their own gear.

    $5 refundable deposit for Members/$30 for Non-Members

    *Min 2 participants

All Classes are scheduled per request Give us a call or e-mail today to sign up